Friday, February 15, 2019

The nation's dining habits... revealed!

How often do you eat out? I have to admit now I have a baby under a year old I can't remember the last time I went out for dinner, though we do manage the occasional lunch out usually for a family birthday! Have you ever thought about how much eating out in restaurants costs each year and does that make you want to make more effort to cook at home, or is the cost worth it for the experience and quality of food? This infographic from Sunny reveals...

Monday, February 11, 2019

Meal Planning Monday 2019 Week 7

I've got laryngitis at the moment so we had to cancel the visit to my parents last week and plans for this week are a bit up in the air until I get my voice back! So I am going to plan meals as if we were going to be at home every day but hopefully we will get to visit my parents at some point. Monday Breakfast for baby S porridge Lunch for baby S peanut butter sandwich and apple slices with cinnamon Lunch for us hotdogs Dinner for baby S butterbean and veg stew followed by quark and fruit Dinner for us fish pie for me, chicken wrapped in...

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Why Iberian ham deserves a place on the British dining table

How much do you know about Iberian ham? I have to admit I was a little hazy - I knew it from restaurants and deli counters as a wafer thin type of cured ham from Spain but that was about it. In fact it's the pigs that are Iberian. They have dark skin and look black rather than pink, with long slender hind legs. They live in freedom and graze on acorns in certain parts of Spain, which apparently gives the meat a unique taste. It's quite interesting...

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Review: Thomas Fudge flatbreads


Monday, February 4, 2019

Meal Planning Monday 2019 Week 6

I didn't manage to do a meal plan last week as I had very little time and had to just wing it when it came to meals... which isn't that easy when you are trying to prepare healthy nutritious food for a baby, finish feeding her and realise you need to get your own dinner on and have no idea what you are going to cook! My mum is out of hospital and has been for over a week now, and is doing really well; we are going to see her and my dad this week. Monday Breakfast for baby S Porridge with red berries Lunch for baby S Chicken, potato waffles, veg Lunch...