Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kalderetang Tadyang ng Baka

Kalderetang Tadyang ng Baka. I first came across tadyang ng baka  on our first lunch at Kanin Club. Cryspy Tadyang ng Baka is one of Kanin Club’s best sellers. In fact I have tried to replicate their Crispy Tadyang  ng Baka and post the recipe long time ago. The branch of Kanin Club at Filinvest, Alabang have now closed shop for some time now. I no longer have any idea if other branches ...

Tortang Talong with Tuna Flakes

Tortang Talong with Tuna Flakes. Most Pinoy loves Tortang Talong, it is one of Pinoy’s favorite breakfast. Tortang Talong is also readily available in turo turo style karenderia for the reason that tortang talong is cheap but most importantly nutritious. Eggplant is one of the most common Pinoy vegetables and of course there are several ways to cook eggplant for breakfast with or without eg...

Champorado with Pinipig and Pandan Milk

Champorado with Pinipig and Pandan Milk.  The classic Champorado was a regular breakfast when I was a kid. The chocolate ingredient used was either chocolate tablea or cocoa poder. But today I doubt if most of the present generation kids have ever had champorado for breakfast. If you search the internet it will return result of Champorado of which are based on few recipes whi...

Radish Salad with Dried Shrimp

Radish Salad with Dried Shrimp, Ensaladang Labanos with Dried Shrimp. One of the first post of OPC was the Ensaladang Labanos. That was sometime September 2007, it is more than 10 years now. At that time there was no Facebook or at least it was still not available publicly. Friendster was the most popular social networking site at that time. Those who are crazy about Friendster at that ti...

Humba Pork Pata with Saba

Humba Pork Pata with Saba. Humba is made up of pork usually the part with a lot of skin and fats, these are usually the pork belly and the pork leg or any other parts with a lot of fatty skin. There are several versions of the Humba, difference are according to available ingredients and according to regions. There are the Visaya or the Batangas and Tagalog versions, never the less Humba is...

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Ginataang Tulingan with Malungay

Ginataang Tulingan with Malungay. Malungay leaves cooked ginataan style is one of the best Pinoy vegetables dish. Now even better when cooked together with Tulingan.  Today I would like to share a ginataan fusion of Malungay and Tulingan, my version of Ginataang Tulingan with Malungay. For the souring ingredient I used kamias from my kamias tree, the tree just keep bearing frui...


Bopis is known as karinderia or turo-turo dish. It is cheap, but it requires a lot of work to prepare and cook. Personally Bopis is one of my favourite dish, I would most likely have it when I eat at karinderia or canteen. I would however advice that always be wary of the cleanliness of the karinderia. Should at any point if in doubt of the sanitary of the place, I would not recomme...

Pork Spareribs with Pineapple

Pork Spareribs with Pineapple. Today I am sharing another innovative Pork Spareribs recipe. The recipe is another original from OPC. Another addition to our innovative Pork Spareribs recipe listed below; Country Style Pork Ribs, Pinoy StylePinoy Baked BBQ Pork RibsBaby Back Ribs, Pinoy StylePinoy Rack of Pork, Lechon Kawali StylePork Adobo with Coca ColaSteamed Pork Spareribs, Pinoy Style...

Monday, September 24, 2018

Babyled Spreads - baby food review


Meal Planning Monday 2018 Week 39

The chicken fajita puff I made last week was amazing - look out for it on the blog soon. I changed a few of last week's meals - on Saturday I was going to do chicken with leeks in the slow cooker but forgot and used all the leek already in my leek and potato soup! Monday Baby S breakfast - porridge with peach Lunch - me- mackerel in korma sauce on toast Baby S- butternut squash chips from yesterday plus pouch of Heinz food I was sent to review Dinner- gammon grillsteak for him I didn't do last week with homemade lasagne for me Tuesday Baby...

Monday, September 17, 2018

Meal Planning Monday 2018 Week 38

I forgot to use the pomegranate seeds I bought for my lamb and quinoa dish last week so have to think of some other way to use them this week! Lamb does seem to be what they go with best Monday Lunch - quiche For baby S - Heinz pumpkin with chicken puree Dinner - lamb with pomegranate cous cous for me, Tuesday Lunch- rest of quiche with pomegranate cous cous For baby S - homemade carrot puree with cod Dinner - Fajita chicken puff from this recipe I was going to make last week but didn't Wednesday Lunch- leek and potato soup For baby S -...

You're a Treasure Pirate Card for Kids


Monday, September 10, 2018

Meal Planning Monday 2018 Week 37

Our first week of weaning has gone really well so far, though it has been quite messy! At the time of writing baby S has enjoyed carrot, sweet potato, butternut squash, broccoli and avocado. She's moving on to banana tomorrow which neither my husband nor I like, but apparently most babies love it! My husband took a few days off last week which was a bit last minute so I ended up changing the menu slightly, so some of the things I meant to make last week but didn't will be repeated this week. Monday - my husband is off too Lunch- out For baby...

Monday, September 3, 2018

Meal Planning Monday 2018 Week 36
